Many people incorrectly think chiropractic care is unsafe for the elderly. In fact, elderly patients are often the most grateful patients, receiving much needed relief from back and neck aches, arthritic pain, headaches, digestive problems and insomnia. Treatment is safe for those with arthritis or low bone density and osteoporosis, and involves gentle, low force muscle and joint release.
Chiropractic care is extremely important for the maturing and elderly adult because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine with increasing age. As we age, spinal discs, facet joints, ligaments, muscles and other spinal tissues become weaker, less hydrated, more fibrotic, and less able to withstand normal stresses. As a result, spinal pain from spinal degeneration (arthritis) becomes more prominent, tissue injury from relatively benign events occurs, and the time to heal from injuries increases.
Chiropractic for the elderly is also important in maintaining balance and coordination to help to minimize the risk of falls. Older people are at greatest risk of sustaining an injury from a fall. At least one in four older people have a fall each year. These falls can be reduced by ensuring that the spine and nervous system is functioning correctly.
Our procedures take into consideration the nature of the aging spine and the many abnormalities present to provide a strategically effective, safe and noninvasive treatment plan. Through the use of gentle adjustive and mobilization techniques and incorporation of stretching and exercise programs spinal pain is reduced, spinal stresses are decreased, flexibility and mobility are improved, and degeneration is minimized.
We look after clients ranging from just days old to over 90 years old. Although our techniques vary greatly, our aim is still the same. We want to ensure healthy and correct spinal and nervous system function to enable each individual to be at their best.